Well Eric and I have been having great times at the beach. Eric is the funniest to go to the beach with. He hardly gets his "slippers" (flip-flops) off before he is running full speed at the water and then belly flops into the on coming wave. After he has his fill of water he crawls onto the beach and makes a sand pillow and takes a nap. What a fun kid. By the way, Dad I'm expecting a similar reaction to beach time from you. As for me I've given up completely on the swimming suit thing. As you can see why in this picture. What a woman!

As for the boys Eric has been a great help making sure Nate is hydrated by getting him water. He's also shown a concern about baby getting thirsty. What a sweetheart taking care of us. Landric has been.... well.... sleepy.

But Nate is working hard and having so much fun doing it. The deck is a lot farther than it shows in this picture but I wanted a good action shot. Rena and I started painting it today. She's so nice to chill with. It's looking like we are going to be all done with these projects before the Winter family gets here. So sorry girls you will not get to work on your Hawaii vacation. You'll just have to do with lounging about at the beach.