I'm sorry I don't know why but I can't get pictures to work. I'll try agian tonight when Nate get's here. I wish I could especially for Rob and Kristen and Kristi and Josh. You guys will be suprized how big she is. She's got super chubby cheeks now. She's doing so much better at understanding this world and not being so scared of it. She's having longer happy times. she's cooing and smiling at me and Nate and at fans and the stripy pillow we have on our sofa. I love this girl so much!
Nate got accepted to the pharm program here in the Utah campus of Southern Nevada and he's also gotten accepted to the program at Nova Univ. in Florida. It's looking like we will be staying here in the state. That was Nate's number one choice from the beginning. We figured that Ainsley would most likely like to stay here too with grandparents and cousins. As for me I know I had a hard time living away this last summer so it will be good for me too to stay in the state. We are so greatful the Lord has blessed us so much with the opption of staying here.
I started back to work this week. I hope I'll be okay with this. It's so hard leaving my baby. But it has helped me feel happy. The phisical activity and the time away from home is good. well that's the update on the family.