This picture dose show you all that are not in this state how much of a belly I'm getting. I'm glad baby is growing so well. Most of the time I'm okay with my mommy figure. It dose make dancing interesting. I sometimes forget when I'm teaching and I'll try something to show the girls what they need to do and of course it doesn't work and I suddenly remember oh ya I'm very pregnant. Nate's doing great with school and work. He got our first Pharm. school application in today!! That's what's going on in this Stout home.
cute!!! I love the title of your blog its great! you look so cute and you don't look pregers serious the black shirt is hiding the growth
Ya I agree, the black shirt really does hide how pregnant you are! You don't look big at all!! You look way cute though and I love your random dancin at home pics. I love and miss you guys!
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