Friday, August 7, 2009

What's up with baby?

Some of you have asked about the baby and how far along we are. Well.... This week is my 19th week so we are well into the fifth month of pregnancy. Baby from head to bum is two and a little bit Nutter Butters long, also known as six inches. I started feeling things in my belly last week and this week I'm pretty sure it's baby moving and kicking around down there. If you have any other questions about baby let me know.


Hilary said...

Hahaha You two crack me up but its good to get a visual of how big your little baby is getting! I can't believe you've felt he/she move Aubrey! :) So exciting! And don't worry about the swim suit happens to all the pregnant woman ;). Nate the house is lookin great by the sight of your pictures and it looks like you guys are having a blast! Love you guys! Hil

Ginny said...

Hey guys!

Your blog is awesome! I miss having you here so much and can't wait to see you. It will be soon! I love your little peanut! What a fun Christmas present he/she will be! My blog is pretty much non-existent by my new website is super cool! Go see it at

Counting down the days!