This is about how it's been working out. Nate is up and working and Landric just sat up from a nap he was taking on the floor. No worries though, Nate loves to work. This is the first room Nate has started work on. He had to pull the carpet out build a wall to enclose the space, work with the electricity (much to his dismay) paint and floor this room. He's done a great job. He's working on the molding today and then he'll be done with this room completely.

Thanks to Ace's inability to match paint we ended up with two different wall colors. They are very close but as you can see not at all the same color. So thanks to Nate's creativity he took a potentially bad thing and made it into something beautiful.

I just love this guy! Don't you?
As for me I've done allot of reading. I got to help paint wich was fun. We have also been talking allot about baby names. Nate feels like he can't decide on a name untill he actually meets our little baby bear. But non the less so farr our favorits are: boy- Dekota, Austin, and Lincoln and girl- Berlin, Sydnee, and Boston. What do you all think?
I sense a theme here with the names. They could all be really cute. I do know two boys named Boston, though, so you might want to reconsider that as a girl's name. As for Berlin, I think that could be cute. I was banned from using it because of my last name (wouldn't that be a ridiculous combo?) I do know a baby girl named Berlin.
Also, I'm with Nate on waiting to meet your baby before totally settling on a name. We had three favorites when we went to the hospital, but we weren't sure what we would choose. I secretly had my heart set on a name that we didn't end up using--somehow Madeline was just the perfect fit once we met her.
I love the city theme of your names. I really do! Jared wanted me to tell you that he has reserved Boston for our next boy. Ha ha. I really like your boy names and you already knew I love Berlin. Sydnee is really cute too.
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